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The rules of the Walking Club of Victoria Photo Competition are as follows:

  1. Photos must have been taken by a club member on or travelling to or from a Club Activity during the current calendar year, and can be submitted any time during the year…….. the earlier the better.
  1. Photos to be labelled by date, place taken and category for submission.
  1. An independent judge will judge all photos, granting prizes in each category.
  1. At most 4 photos per category (over the year) can be submitted anytime to up to January 5th of the following calendar year.
  1. Photos will be judged for their technical merit and the level of interest they hold for members of a walking club in general and the Walking Club of Victoria in particular.
  1. All Club Members will be able to see, online, all photos and vote for the “member choice” winner. Dates for voting to be advised.
  1. Photos can be entered into any of the following categories:
    • Landscape/Scenery, hopefully including some walkers to enhance the landscape
    • People: a standard posed shot, a creative shot or a shot where the subject was unaware of the camera
    • The three F’s…….Flora, Fauna, Funga
  1. Photos will be exhibited, discussed and lauded at the February club meeting on the first Thursday in February   

Get snapping! Check out the winning photos in past photo competitions (most recent first).  


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